Distribution of Bank Rehabilitation Plan TemplateJul 29, 1998

Distribution of Bank Rehabilitation Plan Template

- On July 28th the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) distributed a template for implementation of rehabilitation plan to the 4 conditionally approved banks (Cho Hung Bank, Commercial Bank of Korea, Hanil Bank and Korea Exchange Bank) for the purpose of evaluating feasibility of banks' rehabilitation plans.

- This template was developed by World Bank consultant Arne Berggren, McKinsey Inc. and Arthur Andersen and adopts feasibility check techniques used in many other countries.

- The process of filling in necessary information as required by this template will give banks an opportunity to internally assess the feasibility of their own implementation plans.

- The review team of banks' implementation plans within FSC will evaluate each bank's plan through interviews with bank personnel and separate in-depth analysis combined with input from template evaluation results. In this regard, these templates will serve as a useful check tool through the overall evaluation process of banks' rehabilitation plans.

<Bank Rehabilitation Plan Template> 

- Please refer to attached file for your information.