Bank BIS Capital Ratios
Bank BIS capital ratios as of the end of March, 2007, came to 12.99%, up from 12.75% at end-2006. With bank net income totaling KRW6.6 trillion for the first three months of 2007, bank capital increased 5.0% or KRW5.9 trillion while risk-weighted assets grew 3.0%. Tier-1 capital rose 7.4% or KRW6.3 trillion, but tier-2 capital experienced a modest drop of 1.0% or KRW300 billion. The capital ratio jumped for 12 banks but fell for six others during the January-March period.
Timetable for Basel II Capital Accord
The FSC/FSS is expected to finalize by the end of June new capital standards that will take effect beginning in January, 2008, under the Basel II capital accord (January, 2009, for advanced IRB approach). The FSC/FSS is also expected to commence the approval process for banks opting for IRB approach later this year.
* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.