The FSC highly commends the Bank of Korea’s
recent preemptive decision to provide liquidity support to companies investing
in the Bond Market Stabilization Fund (BMSF). It is intended not only to
stabilize the financial market in general, but also to help implement the BMSF
in particular, through close cooperation with the government.
It is thought that the decision will ease
financial companies’ efforts in raising funds for their investments along with
any worries of establishing liquidity in the bond market. Thus, the government
plans to speedup the process of building the BMSF.
Through careful discussions between
financial companies, a decision will be made on the participating institutions,
the total investment amount, and the specific amount shared by each
institution. The BMSF will be set in motion very shortly. The participating
institutions will mainly be composed of banks, insurance companies, and
securities companies.
already announced, the primary purpose of the Fund is to provide liquidity to
quality corporations that are experiencing temporary liquidity shortages due to
the current market credit crunch. P-CBOs that have been credit-enhanced by
KODIT and KIBO, high-rate ABCPs based on Project Financing, credit financing
bonds, and corporate bonds will be the first to be considered on the purchasing
list. The issuers will be requested to make their own restructuring efforts
when necessary.
The details of fund composite, the managing
institution, and the priority of trade will be shortly decided after
discussions between the participating parties.
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) and
the Financial Supervisory Services (FSS) will oversee operations from the
beginning to ensure investor protection and market stability.
Jun Kwang-Woo, the FSC chairman, has requested that the vice-chairman start
meeting with related financial associations and the FSS as of Nov. 25th to
discuss detailed plans to propel the project as soon as possible.