2024 Korea Fintech Week Scheduled for Aug 27-29May 16, 2024

The Financial Services Commission announced that this year’s global fintech expo, 2024 Korea Fintech Week, is scheduled to be held for three days from August 27 to August 29 at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) in Seoul.


Last year, Korea Fintech Week attracted some 11,000 visitors and provided fintech businesses with diverse opportunities to pitch new fintech business ideas and attract investments. The sixth annual fintech expo this year, which will be organized jointly with related organizations, agencies, and industry groups, will offer a venue for invigorating the fintech industry and accelerating innovation in financial services.


Since the adoption and use of generative AI across different fields is taken as a key to boosting innovation and productivity these days, this year’s Korea Fintech Week will be held under the theme of “Beyond Boundaries: Fintech and AI Redefining Finance” to more closely highlight the effects of AI on the fintech and financial sectors.


Exhibition halls will be prepared, inviting fintech businesses and financial companies to set up booths for promoting and demonstrating their latest and innovative financial technologies that will help to boost user convenience. A series of fintech theme-based seminars are scheduled to be made available throughout the three-day period, which will provide participants and visitors with opportunities to share global trends and insights and have in-depth discussions on diverse topics, such as the adoption and use of new AI technology, cyber and information security, ESG, insurtech, and so on.


A mobile business meeting platform is planned to be introduced this year to support networking among fintech industry officials and to give chances to more effectively pitch new business ideas and secure investments. The IR Open Stage and the Networking Lounge will be operated on an expanded basis. In addition, there will be much enhanced investment promotion programs for up-and-coming fintech businesses via Korea Development Bank (KDB) NextRound’s Fintech Special Round and a reverse IR program.


Moreover, a global talk concert on fintech and AI moderated by AI experts from at home and abroad will be prepared to help visitors gain better understanding about AI technologies and the technological convergence in the financial industry. Apart from these events, there will be other useful programs, such as fintech idea contest, finance-themed musical, and fintech career mentoring. Together, these events and programs prepared for 2024 Korea Fintech Week will help to draw a blueprint for Korea’s fintech ecosystem and financial industry.


Application for businesses wishing to participate in exhibition booths at 2024 Korea Fintech Week as well as for those planning to take part in fintech idea contest will be available from Monday, May 20. For detailed information, please contact Fintech Center Korea (+82-02-550-2616 or koreafintechwekk2024@gmail.com).

* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.