FSC Chairman Meets with Banking Sector and Holds Talks on Financial Stability and Sustainable GrowthAug 20, 2024

Chairman Kim Byoung Hwan of the Financial Services Commission met with the heads of 19 banks and held talks on the importance of managing risks to ensure financial stability and seeking innovative ways to promote sustainable growth on August 20. Starting with today’s meeting with the banking sector, Chairman Kim will meet with each financial sector to have discussions and exchange views on the four major risks facing the Korean economy, such as household debt, small business debt, real estate project finance debt, and the soundness of the nonbanking sector.


In his opening remarks, Chairman Kim talked about the need to (a) preemptively manage the pace of household debt growth through concerted efforts of the banking sector and the government, (b) more systematically manage lending to small businesses based on their repayment capabilities, (c) pursue regulatory reforms to bring about change and promote innovation in banks’ operating practices, which have traditionally relied on interest rate spreads and domestic operations, and (d) continue to work on strengthening internal control mechanisms through the introduction of a responsibilities mapping system from January next year.


In particular, with regard to the measures to control the pace of household debt growth, Chairman Kim stressed the need for banks to establish their own household debt management systems in a self-regulating manner based on the repayment capability (debt service ratio) of borrowers. To this end, Chairman Kim said that the following measures will be put into practice from September 1 for implementing the second phase stressed DSR rules. First, beginning on September 1, the second phase stressed DSR rules will take effect as announced previously, but mortgage loans for houses in the Seoul metropolitan area will be subject to an increased stress rate of 1.2%p, instead of 0.75%p. Second, from September, banks will be required to calculate DSR on all household loans for the purpose of internal management, and formulate and implement their own DSR management plans based on these data starting from next year. Third, the financial authorities will continue to closely monitor trends of household debt growth, and when deemed necessary, seek additional measures, such as an expanded application of DSR rules or an increase in the risk weight of mortgage loans in the banking sector.

* Please refer to the attached PDF for details.