FSC Chairman speaks about significance of public-private partnership in promoting export financing support for SMEs and MMEsJun 17, 2024

Chairman Kim Joo-hyun of the Financial Services Commission attended an agreement signing event held between Shinhan Bank and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation, which is aimed at promoting cooperation between the two organizations in providing export financing support for SMEs and MMEs on June 17. Under the agreement, a total of KRW1 trillion in export financing support will be made available for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and middle market enterprises (MMEs) to help them to more effectively cope with the changing structure in global supply chains, explore new markets, and build production facilities in overseas markets. At the event, Chairman Kim said that it is particularly significant that the two organizations can share and exchange key information and closely cooperate on various support programs made available to SMEs and MMEs. Chairman Kim added that this kind of public-private partnership should be promoted to more effectively support overseas operation and business expansion of domestic enterprises.